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LeAnn Thieman - Nurse the Soul

LeAnn Thieman has been a nurse for thirty years and coauthor of bestseller Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul.

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About LeAnn Thieman
LeAnn Thieman’s life changed forever when she bought a dozen cupcakes at a bake sale to support the war orphans in Vietnam. Her book, This Must Be My Brother, details her daring adventure of helping to rescue 300 babies during Operation Babylift in 1975, as Saigon was falling to the Communists. An ordinary person, she struggled through extraordinary circumstances and found the courage to succeed.

Today, LeAnn shares life-lessons learned to help others find more hope in the world, good health in their life and happiness all around. As a nationally acclaimed speaker, author and nurse, her popular keynotes and seminars inspire thousands to balance their lives, truly live their priorities and make a difference in the world.

As a nationally acclaimed motivational speaker, author and nurse, LeAnn has been featured in print and on countless radio and television programs across the country, including Newsweek Magazine’s Voices of the Century issue, Investors Business Daily, Woman’s World, PAX-TV’s It’s A Miracle show, CNN, FOX-TV, BBC, NPR and PBS.

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