Washington Publishers

 Ask Dr Moore - Preventing Check Fraud

ASK DR.MOORE September 12, 2005

Dr. Mark Moore, author of the gender selection book Baby Girl or Baby Boy--Choose the Sex of Your Child, answers readers' questions on pregnancy and pediatrics.



The internet is teeming with scams and illegal activity. Here is a first hand example of how someone tried to scam us. A company form Nigeria, Africa placed an order for several thousand dollars worth of books, and then had this check forwarded from "OSMI BOOK COMPANY," based in Huffman, Texas. We suspected check fraud, and had our bank process the check for authenticity. We, of course, did not send out books or refund the balance due. Because the check was made on foreign bank, it took our bank a month to prove that the check was, in fact, fraudulent.

Prevent Check Fraud

We post this information to help others who want to learn or investigate internet scams, and more importantly, prevent the loss of property.

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Readers may send questions to our email address. This column is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional or medical advice.

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