Baby Girl or Baby Boy--
Choose the Sex of your Child
Table of Contents
1. the man..............................p.6
2. the sperm.......................... p.8
3. the woman.........................p.10
4. the egg...............................p.12
5. the cycle.............................p.13
6. the conception....................p.14
7. TRYING FOR A GIRL.....p.16
8. TRYING FOR A BOY......p.18
9. ovulation chart....................p.20
10. get pregnant, fast!...............p.21
11. pregnancy pointers.............p.22
12. its always fun trying............p.23
13. pregnancy myths................p.25
14 .micellaneous matters..........p.27
15. step-by-step instructions....p.28
16. disclaimer..........................p.29
17. about the authors...............p.30
18. your name might be...........p.32 |