MAC--Monitored Anesthesia Care--is sometimes called "IV Sedation"
or "twilight sleep" or "twilite sedation" or "conscious
sedation" (sp.concious/consious). No matter how it is referred
to, it is still a very important method of anesthetic delivery. The
name implies a 'light sleep', and there are many variations and levels
of anesthesia dependent on the anesthesiologist. It is the anesthesiologist
who determines how much medication to give. During this procedure,
the anesthesiologist may give intravenous medications to place the
patient in a light sleep. The surgeon administers injections of local
anesthetics at this time so as not to cause discomfort to the patient.
The patient breathes on their own, and does not need a ventilator
or anesthetic gas. By having an anesthesiologist give sedation, even
minor procedures can be easily performed without pain. These procedures
are done in hospitals or surgery centers.
Examples of types of surgery that can be done with MAC or IV Sedation/conscious
sedation include: breast biopsy, Gynecologic procedures like LEEP/LOOP,
D/C, D and C, D/E, D and E (dilatation and evacuation for spontaneous
incomplete abortion or miscarriage), and colonoscopy or EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy).
There are risks to all surgery and anesthesia. Anesthesia Risks are
dependent on the type of anesthesia that is given.